a) There is a A personification in "So Sung a little Cold of Clay" : the Poat Personifiespoet personifies the Cold of Clay As Aas a human being who singsings. This Imageimage reflects the selfishness Lovelove and the giving of love.

b) There's
Aa metonymy in "Hell": the poatpoet uses this words to denote despair and sadness and love. This Image indicate theimage indicates sadness and a sense of love.

c) There's
Aa metonymy in "Heaven"" the poatpoet uses this word to denotesdenote the happiness. This image reflects to the strong effect of love, and indicates a sense of love.

d) There's
An taclitile Imagea tactile image in "But pebble of the brook" : It Appeals Theit appeals to the reader's Sencesense of touch. Creating a Tangibletangible image which reflects the atmosphere of selfishnessselfish love.

divices devices:
a) There's
Allitrationalliteration in "metres and meet" Duedue to the repetaionrepetition in the first sound . It raises the musical effect and creatscreates unity amoung wordesamong words.
b) There's
Alitrationalliteration in "cold of clay" Duedue to the repetaionrepetition of the /k/ sound. It raises the musical effect And Creats Unityand creates unity between Wordswords.
c) There's
Allitrationalliteration in "Hell and heaven" Duedue to the repetationrepetition of the /h/ sound. It raises the effect of music and creatscreates unity amoungamong words.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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